Lapunti Supreme Grand Master Undo Caburnay demonstrating a stick disarm with Lakan Winston Novo as partner.
Master Buboy demonstrating a stick lock on partner Emil Penaflor.
Rank promotions for members of Lapunti UP Diliman Training Group officiated by SGM Undo Caburnay and GM Jun Igpit.
Herend and Raymund performing Espada y Daga trapping and counter.
Members of Lapunti UP Diliman Training Group visiting Lapunti Masters and Grandmaster in Cebu.

Announcements & Updates

Schedule of Rank Testings and Promotions 2018

19 May 2018

Lapunti UP is going to conduct testing and promotion for the rank of Luntian on May 27, with a tentative schedule for Lakan testing in July. Members who will be taking the rank testings are Jane-Raida Bani for Luntian, and Raymund Cabrera and Emil Penaflor for Lakan Isa. New batch of members can be eligible for Luntian testing around September or October of this year. Good luck to all those who would be taking the examinations.


Lapunti mourns the loss of SGM Undo Caburnay

7 February 2017

It is with great sorrow that we announce the passing away of SGM Undo Caburnay on the night of Feb 3 2017. Members of the Lapunti family, as well as of the greater community of martial arts practitioners around the globe who has known him, feels the great loss left by the passing of a great warrior and teacher. SGM Caburnay is well known in martial art circles not only as a great fighter but also as a teacher who possesses a remarkable degree of amiability and humility towards others, one who was always willing to share his knowledge to anyone interested in learning the art. SGM Caburnay is scheduled to be interred on Sunday, Feb 12.


Revamped website design and updates

7 February 2017

The new website is up and running (yeah, you're looking at it). There's still some fine tuning and polish to be done but the main sections are in place and all content from the old site has been migrated, plus some extra bits here and there. In summary the new site has been migrated from wordpress to processwire, which should make it easier to add new components and sections later, and sporting a new design that would hopefully look better on different devices. For the nerds out there the site is also now being served over TLS (using https protocol) and running on a spanking new caddy server. Enjoy!


Latest News

Lapunti UP visits Cebu

27 February 2016 Members of Lapunti UP Diliman Training Group went to Cebu for a 2-day visit last February 20-21 to pay respect to SGM Undo Caburnay and other senior Masters of Lapunti Arnis De Abanico. The visit also gave us an opportunity to train and talk with the Masters regarding the current state of Lapunti, and the possible directions that both the art and organization can take in order to progress in the future. The group who visited Cebu was composed of Lapunti UP members Raymund Cabrera, Emil Penaflor, Ric Tariman, and Eujean Penaflor-Tariman, along ...

Latest Blog Post

My Visit with the Masters in Cebu

by Raymund Cabrera, 18 October 2016 With Master Edgar Caburnay I arrived at the gym of Master Edgar Caburnay in Balamban, Cebu at around 10am on the 15th of October, a Saturday. His morning martial arts class was rescheduled on the afternoon so I got the rest of Master Edgar’s morning for myself. Our discussions started with the approach and methodology he employs in teaching Lapunti. Later in the day, our discussion will end with his future plans and visions for the association. Master Edgar has a very animated way of driving his points. I summarized my day’s learnings into th ...

What is Lapunti?

Lapunti Arnis De Abanico, otherwise referred to simply as ‘Lapunti’, is a Filipino martial art that originated from Cebu, Philippines. It is a comprehensive and unified martial art system that includes training in the use of impact and bladed weapons which can be translated to the use of common everyday objects and eventually empty hand. Training in Lapunti allows practitioners to develop a set of valuable skills and mindset which can be applied not only in combat or self-defense scenarios, but also in everday life by instilling values that would improve one's character or disposition.

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Among the Filipino martial arts Lapunti is considered unique or peculiar due to its emphasis on fast abanico strikes and the use of the cross-legged stance and footwork.

Lapunti Training

Lapunti training starts off with the use of weapons and progresses to empty hands. This is a characteristic of traditional Filipino martial arts in general which are essentially military in nature, and which stands in contrast with other forms of martial art which were designed primarily to address the needs of civilians. In Lapunti, as well as in most other traditional Filipino martial arts, the assumption is that you won't go to a fight or battle without a weapon, and the same goes for your opponent. So in the extreme situation where you find yourself empty handed you should be experienced or skilled enough to go against an armed adversary. 

Training in Lapunti does not require any prior training or experience with other martial arts. Complete beginners as well as practitioners of other martial arts are very much welcome, and we encourage especially those who have experience with other martial arts to show courtesy and respect for practioners of other styles. During training we try to follow certain rules in order to maintain a safe and enjoyable atmosphere that is properly conducive for practice and improvement in the art. 

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There are three things all students of Lapunti are required to bring every training session: a courteous and respectful attitude towards others, an open and curious mind, and a healhty thirst for learning and improving oneself within the art.

Contact or Visit Us


The Carillon Plaza, UP Diliman, QC, Philippines

8:30 AM - 12:00 PM